Friday, 15 May 2020

Review: Sentinel Issue 2: Scales of Justice

Sentinel Issue 2: Scales of Justice Review

Yesterday I was sent a preview copy of Sentinal issue 2 by artist Ed Doyle, one half of Sentinels creative team along with Alan Holloway who provides the story.  I'd not read issue 1 so had no preconceptions about what I was going to read. 

Straight out the gate there's a dragon on the front cover, I do love a good dragon.  First page opens to a gladiatorial arena, much like the Captain in Airplane I like Gladiator movies too.  So far two boxes ticked, next page it turns out that the Gladiators in this arena are dragons, take my money, I'm sold!

But this story isn't just a swords and sandals romp, even though I'd have been very happy with that, Alan Holloway takes us on a much darker journey.  He brings us a perfectly paced tale of Romans, slavery, lost lands, betrayal and retribution.  

Alan's story is brought to life by the striking black and white artwork of Ed Doyle, he manages to imbue the dragons with great character.  Each dragon has a look that makes them distinctive, from the rookie Gladiator to the battle hardened old fighter with broken horns and scars.  It's no mean feat to give so much variety and individual character to a bunch of dragons but Ed pulls it off.

This is a great one and done story, but I reckon that we could easily visit this world again, I would be very happy to do so and I'd highly recommend you Jump onboard too.  Here's a link to where you can grab your own copy.

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