Sunday, 16 February 2020

My Comics Origin story and a Blog Begins

My Comics Origin story and a Blog Begins

Stands up and clears throat…”My name is Garry and I’m a lapsed comic reader.”

Mine was the old story of reading comics from a young age, then leaving comics behind after finding the lure of booze and women too strong.  But, after nearly 30 years in the comic wilderness I returned to the fold when my wife got me the 1977 Christmas issue of 2000AD as a Christmas gift.  Returning to 2000AD was my gateway drug, I started picking up all the classics I’d missed, like Watchmen for instance.

Thanks to the Awesome Comics podcast guys, I started getting into the indie and small press titles too, mainlining on the Comichaus app and backing small kickstarters.  Thanks to them I now have a Comixology and Amazon wish list that would bankrupt a small country.

I love the breadth of the art and stories that are out there from the modern classics to the small personal, even abstract pieces that can be a more challenging read.  I’ve been lucky enough to get to some cons and meet creators and fans alike, more recently organising the 2000AD Eastern Contingent meet-ups. I've been interested to find out that there are a lot of 2000AD fans who read nothing else but the prog, meg and the collected works from the past. 

So in an effort to perhaps persuade those 2000AD stalwarts to try something else I've created this blog where I'll write about and, hopefully introduce, some new comics into your life. It won't be in-depth critiques (I'll leave that to those much better qualified than I) but just my take on what I've read and enjoyed, or not enjoyed. I'll start with some works by 2000AD alumni like Garth Ennis and Grant Morrison and then look at work by other creators.

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